Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase

In this blog post, I will provide a quote from the original source that illustrates the author's perspective and message for his work. Then, I will paraphrase it in my own words. Lastly, I will summarize it in one sentence. This activity will be beneficial while writing my draft because paraphrasing and summarizing are important in essays in order to give variety in the way the context is provided to the audience.

Original Source

"Scientists are divided in their views on the issue of artificial sweetener safety. In scientific as well as in lay publications, supporting studies are often widely referenced while the opposing results are de-emphasized or dismissed. So this review aims to explore the health controversy over perceived benefits of sugar substitutes."

My Paraphrase of Original Source

Scientists have split viewpoints on the controversy on the safety of artificial sweeteners. In publication, research that supports artificial sweeteners are more largely emphasized than the opposing results.

My Summary of the Original Source

Many scientists have opposing viewpoints on the safety of artificial sweeteners; however, their research mainly focuses on the benefits of artificial sweeteners and does not highlight the harms of artificial sweeteners.

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