Monday, October 12, 2015

Draft of Rhetorical Analysis

Draft of Rhetorical Analysis

In this blog post, I am going to provide a link to my Draft of Project #2. In this rhetorical analysis, I am going to explain to my audience the appeals the author uses. He appeals to his audience through ethos and logos. Ethos is used because he is a doctor and a medical professor. Logos is used because he states many facts which takes up majority of his paper. In order to do this, I have to vividly describe ethos and logos, how it was used, and give a great amount of support. I think that I did this. However, I will also ask my fellow peers questions about my writing to make sure that I am doing it correctly. I am unsure if I wrote this properly. I think I was able to address the audience that my author was trying to address, but I am unsure if I explained this properly to the audience I am addressing.

The link can be accessed here.

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