Delicious and Nutritious
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I specifically would love help to how I could make my paper an a worthy paper. I feel like I provided many sources and hyperlinks, but I was wondering if I need to elaborate more or to possibly provide more examples from the same sources or even other sources. What do you feel like needed more explanation?
Also, I am not sure if I stated the opposing sides very well. It appears as if everyone is against Michelle Obama. I stated her side and the others' throughout my QRG. Is there some way that I could do this better? Do I need to do this better, or am I overthinking it? If I need to add more, should I make who knew question and try to explain these opposing sides better. I have this one example of a young boy that wrote a letter to Michelle Obama about how he thinks she should focus more in the Middle East's issues than eliminating ketchup in schools.
For anyone who is working with the JAND style for citing, I was confused on the in-text citations worked because there's a number by the quote which represents the source. Is this number reflecting the order of sources I used in my QRG? If so, does that mean I need to go back and adjust my Annotated Bibliography in order to accommodate the order? To be honest, I think I need to do that, but I just want to clarify with you since it is a new way of citing for me; I was wondering if you understood it better than I did. Also, I wasn't sure if I need to cite on the bottom on the page what sources the numbers belong to.
Lastly, is there anything that I can do to improve/develop my QRG as a whole or specific part of it? I tried not to be too lengthy because it is easy to write ten or more pages, and I didn't want to intimidate the reader by it being so long. Did I lose any understanding or important information by making it shorter?
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