Thursday, November 5, 2015

Project 3 Outline

Project 3 Outline

In this blog post, I am going to create my outline for Project 3 with the guidance of Writing Public Lives.


I think framing the consequences will be the best way to approach my introduction. I want my audience to feel a sense of urgency. I want my audience to not want their children to have to suffer with obesity. Therefore, framing the consequences will serve as an attention getter and influencer for the parents to tune into my argument!

Supporting Paragraphs

Major Supporting Arguments

  • Child obesity leads to a variety of chronic disease
  • Obese children are more likely to be bullied
  • Obese children are more likely to remain obese at an older age
  • Low-income families with less resources are more likely to have obese children
  • Parents' eating habits influence their children's eating habits

Major Criticisms

  • Many unhealthy foods are cultural and traditional
  • Not all healthy food resources are available to everyone

Key Support & Rebuttal Points

  • Child obesity leads to a variety of chronic diseases.
  • Parents' eating habits influence their children's eating habits
  • Many unhealthy foods are cultural and traditional
  • Not all healthy food resources are available to everyone

Tentative Topic Sentences & Evidence

  • Child obesity leads to a variety of chronic diseases, and I know parents do not want to jeopardize their own child's health.
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Diabetes
Corps, Robin. "Mr America." 12/20/06 via flickr. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

  • It is important to cook healthy meals because parents' eating habits influence their children's eating habits.
    • Maternal representations of their children were associated with feeding beliefs; Balanced mothers were most likely to demonstrate high authority in child feeding; Distorted mothers were least likely to demonstrate confidence in child feeding; Disengaged mothers were least likely to demonstrate investment in child feeding; Balanced mothers were least likely to pressure their children to eat.
    • Familial characteristics varied according to obesity status in the expected direction with a greater proportion of obese children in lower income/education households, and in households with 2 obese parents (defined using BMI or waist circumference). 

  • Due to many unhealthy foods being cultural and traditional, it is hard to completely remove them from our diets. However, it is possible to eat them in moderation.
    • Replacing sugary drinks with milk can help decrease the chance of children developing obesity

    • "Hispanic children are disproportionately burdened with obesity and related risk factors by early childhood, with non-exclusive breastfeeding, early introduction to solid foods, insufficient sleep, increased screen time, and higher intake of sugar-sweetened beverages contributing to racial/ethnic differences in childhood obesity prevalence."

  • Some communities do not have all of the resources, such as, fresh produce convenient for them, but there are other methods and options that can be implemented.
    • Obese children more often lived in neighborhoods characterised by high disadvantage and by the proximity to ≥1 convenience stores.

Map of My Argument

The map of my argument can be accessed in the link above or here.


For my conclusion, I will use a call to action because I want to explain to my reader how they can address this issue of childhood obesity. For example, I will give an image of a fat America. More specifically, I can use an example of Walle the movie where everyone was obese. Furthermore, I could make it more personal and create an image of their obese child. By appealing to pathos in my conclusion, I will bring the parents to action in order to prevent childhood obesity from increasing!

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