Saturday, November 7, 2015

Draft of Public Argument

Draft of Public Argument

In this blog post, I am going to provide the link to my YouTube of my advice column video on childhood obesity.

The video can be accessed here. I noticed that it is not playing for some reason. I tried reuploading it, and it still didn't work so please let me know if you have that issue as well. I also added the script further down so that you can at least see the content of my work. I also asked some questions about my personal appearance and background, which you can see if you open my video even if it doesn't play.

I would like to know if I did a good job explaining each of the questions thoroughly. I want to make sure that I give good answers to the questions that are posed, but I do not want to make it too long or too elaborate.

I want my audience of parents to feel at ease while watching my video. I do not want them to feel as if I am telling them that everything that they are doing is wrong. I want them to know the alternatives in their ways in order to help the cause of childhood obesity.
Sutherland, Zen. "graffiti under patton bridge obese." 4/5/09 via flickr.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
I was confused in how to introduce and conclude my video. I was not sure if my introduction might serve as a better conclusion or my conclusion might serve as a better introduction. I tend to have this issue a lot so I want to make sure that I do it.

In the video, I presented off of my computer with a green wall behind me. I also wore glasses and no makeup. Do I need to dress up fancier?

I also was unsure if I should add the questions on the screen? I think it would be best to add them, which I need to figure out how to add them on iMovie.

I also want to know about music. Was it too distracting to play during the entire video? Should I only play it in the beginning and have it fade in and then and the end and fade out.

Do I need to had an intro slide at the beginning? As in make a title/introduction slide?

I want to add more researched information, but I don't know how much that I can add because my video is already almost 3 minutes. Do I need to shorten my video? HELP PLEASE :)

These questions are common questions that seem to have appeared in the research that I have done. Should I maybe interview parents and get their insight instead of basing the questions off of my research? Also, is the order of my questions good?

My questions that that I will be addressing are listed below. Here is also a link to the script I used for my video.
  1. If there are limited resources available to our community, how can I provide my family with healthier options?
  2. How does what my husband and I eat impact my child’s diet?
  3. How can I still cook ethnic cuisine, but make it healthier for my child?

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