Saturday, December 5, 2015

Draft of Open Letter

Draft of Open Letter

In this blog post, I will provide the link of my Draft of Open Letter at the end. In the beginning, I will tell my peer reviewers whatever I think that they should know about my draft of my letter that they'll be reading over. I will also address any specific things that I would like my peer reviewers to focus or that I need help with.

In my letter, I have connected my high school writing experiences to my writing experiences in this course. Basically, I wrote about how the struggles and lessons learned benefitted my writing in this course. I also related it to the struggles that I faced in this course, and how my past experiences helped pull me through the struggles in this course.

Francis, Felix. "Candle in the Wind.12/16/06 via flickr. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic.

I think that I need to to elaborate more on some experiences. Do I need more examples/experiences or do I need more elaboration? I tried to make it very personal. However, I was not sure how far to take it.

I also want to make sure that I properly related my experiences enough to the course. I think I might have talked more about my current experiences than I talked about the past. I don't know if this is good or bad. I think that it might be more important to focus on this course than my past, but that is where my peer reviewers will hopefully help me out. I would like to know whether I should add more about this course or take away/add some of the detail about my past courses/experiences... I think that I talked more about my past experiences in the first half of my paper but not so much in the second half.

Lastly, I am concerned about the length of my paper. I think that my letter needs more, but it is long for a letter.

Here is the link to my Draft of Open Letter.


  1. Your draft doesn't allow for commenting access

    1. Thank you for pointing that out! It now should allow commenting access.
